You’ve read books and articles about disruptive education. You’ve watched Ted talks, inspirational videos, and documentaries. You’ve researched homeschooling and alternative schools, and at long last you’ve found the Acton model and are ready to start your journey. Now what?
The truth is I don’t really know. You see, my daughter will join the E.S.T.E.A.M. tribe in about a month. Sure, I’m familiar with the concepts but as we all know theory and practice can be two very different things.
So far we have toured the facilities-asked questions, met with current E.S.T.E.A.M. parents- asked more questions, completed our family interview, and yes-asked more questions. We’ve got a lot of information out of each step, but somehow we’re still not sure exactly what our child’s education will look like.
I understand that one of the strengths of E.S.T.E.A.M. is its ability to quickly adapt to the needs of each individual student, session, studio & tribe. However, I also believe that I may be able to offer future parents some insight by documenting our first year. I invite you to follow this blog as we go through the ups and downs that surely await us on our journey with E.S.T.E.A.M.
About the Author: Daniel, father of 2, and new Tribe member as of the 2020-2021 School Year.