Discovery STUDIO (AGES 4-8)
21st century learning
DISCOVERY: The goal of the Discovery Studio (ages 4-8 / Early Elementary) is to learn to be an independent, curious learner, and to be kind to others. While there are always experiments and improvements to be made, evidence in our studio, and studios across the world, suggests our young heroes are developing curiosity, independence, deep focus, resilience, and kindness. These strong foundational skills will prepare them for the increased responsibilities that will come as they grow within the studios, and eventually transition to the real world.
This studio’s guides create a warm and nurturing environment that support our young heroes delight- directed learning journey.
- We use play and exploration as the primary guides in learning about our self, our environment, and each other.
- Exposure to different materials and activities gives each child an opportunity to understand concepts on reading, writing and math.
- Mentors play an important role in this plane of development, they learn from each other and practice concepts while teaching others.
- We use hands on manipulatives and a variety of mediums such as art, music, drama and movement to give them a concrete, sensory and developmentally ideal experience of learning.
- Exposure to different materials and activities gives each child an opportunity to understandconcepts on reading, writing and math.
- Children work at their own pace, setting and evaluating their personal goals each week.
- Mentors play an important role in this plane of development, they learn from each other and practice concepts while teaching others.
A Delight-Directed Learning environment, guided by the following principles:
- Mixed age groups which not only offer a wide range of activities to spark children’s interest but also enable children to learn from others and learn by helping others.
- Freedom for children to work at their own pace, without interruption, choosing from a range of activities that are developmentally challenging and appropriate.
- Exploration is encouraged so that children find things out for themselves, make mistakes and correct them independently.
- Respect for each child as an individual personality with unique talents.
- Respect for others, the community and the environment.